Entries by Bianca

Almost 100 recent alumni joined our ASEBUSS community

On October 27, almost 100 alumni took the stage to receive their hard-earned degrees from the Romanian-American Executive MBA and Entrepreneurial MBA in the last 3 years. As previous alumni will confirm the learning journey is a demanding and provocative undertaking that requires support from both organizations and families alike. Our  top-ranked Executive MBA Program […]

Empowering Managers. New Skills in a Hybrid Environment

Now that many companies are adopting a hybrid model workplace, embracing the “new normal” is expected to pose challenges for managers and department heads. Not only will they have to adapt their management style to accommodate remote and hybrid working arrangements, they’ll also have to learn how to hire remotely, keep employees engaged, and play […]

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Ready to start an Executive MBA or Entrepreneurial MBA Program?

Our Fall admission session for the  Executive MBA Program and the Entrepreneurial MBA Program has started! Both EMBA programs offered by ASEBUSS Business School are attracting each year experienced managers, top and middle level executives, as well as entrepreneurs. ASEBUSS Business School is the destination choice for applicability and relevance for local market, as well as exposure to global best […]

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Engaging Resources and Winning- July 6

ASEBUSS students and recent graduates, collaborators and supporters are welcome to join us for an interactive discussion about ways to better engage resources and navigate  through times of unprecedented change. The discussion will be followed by a networking event. Guests: Marius Stefan, Daniel Mischie, Bogdan Tudor Moderator: Ionut Bonoiu, Forbes, Executive MBA Alumni The pandemic and […]

Early-booking applications for Executive MBA and Entrepreneurial MBA Programs

The Executive MBA Program and the Entrepreneurial MBA Program offered by ASEBUSS Business School are attracting each year experienced managers, top and middle level executives, as well as entrepreneurs. ASEBUSS Business School is the destination choice for applicability and relevance for local market, as well as exposure to global best practices, development of managerial and soft […]

Start Mentorat 2022 in cadrul Executive MBA si Entrepreneurial MBA

  Aflat la a 3a editie, Programul de Mentorat– realizat cu sustinerea Asociatiei Alumni ASEBUSS– a fost adaugat ca un beneficiu suplimentar in programele Executive MBA si Entrepreneurial MBA. ASEBUSS devine prima școală de afaceri din România care pune la dispoziția studenților săi un program de mentorat, la fel cum o fac universități de prestigiu […]

Future of Work – Organizational and Talent Implications

The workforce coming out from the pandemic is different than the one that entered it. Several reasons for that: The pandemic has thought people a new way of working and living The pandemic gave people a chance to pause and reflect on what matters most (for each one of them) Socio-economic and climate changes are […]


ASEBUSS se implica in profesionalizarea managementului cluburilor de fotbal

Scoala de Afaceri ASEBUSS se implica in profesionalizarea managementului cluburilor de fotbal ASEBUSS impreuna cu Federatia Romana de Fotbal lanseaza primul program dedicat executivilor din industria fotbalului.   ASEBUSS si Academia Națională de Fotbal au dat startul înscrierilor pentru programul de management special dedicat președinților, managerilor și persoanelor cu rol executiv din cluburile de fotbal […]

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How to successfully lead in a hybrid world

This past year the transition to remote work presented unique challenges for team leaders and team members. As a manager or business owner you needed strategies to help your team stay focused on business momentum while working both remote and in the office. Now that many companies are adopting a hybrid model workplace, you might […]